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Cybersonic Eco Toothbrush-Free Shipping

Cybersonic Eco Toothbrush-Free Shipping
Regular price: $89.99
Sale price: $74.99
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Product Description

When you get the Cybersonic Eco Toothbrush from Dental Mart, you get far more than a mere toothbrush. This is actually a complete oral care system with two brush styles for more complete cleaning. Among the other items included in the kit are a flosser stem and disposable tips, a tongue cleaner, and breath freshening systems, as well as a high-efficiency charger.

The Eco is Cybersonic's newest model, now redesigned to use far less electricity and more advanced non-cadmium batteries, among other improvements. Should you have Cybersonic's Classic system, you'll be glad to know the Eco is compatible. Another bit of welcome news is that shipping is free. In the end, you will find that this Cybersonic toothbrush delivers the same high standard of oral care you have come to expect. You will always get the best products from Dental Mart.


Sleep Right Night Guard-Low Profile-Mint
Now in a mint flavor!
Regular price: $69.95
Sale price: $35.99
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days